Monday, February 4, 2008


The district lies between between 13 30’ and 15 6’ of Northern latitude and 70 5’ and 80 15’ of Eastern latitude. Nellore's total land area is 13,076 square kilometers (8,761) sq. miles). It is bordered by the Bay of Bengal to the east, the state of Tamil Nadu to the South, the district of Cuddapah, and the district of Prakasam to the north. The eastern side consists of area of low lying land extending from the base of the Eastern Ghats to the sea. The west side of the district is separated from Cuddapah district by Veligonda hills. The district is split by the River Pennar and is located on both south and north banks of it.Nellore's total land area is 13,076 square kilometers (8,761) sq. miles). It has an average elevation of 19 metres (62 feet).About the half of the total area is cultivated and the rest is wasteland [6] because of it is rocky land, sandy coastline or covered with scrub jungles. Pennar, Swarnamukhi and Gundlakamma are the main rivers that flow through the most of the district. They are not navigable, and are mainly used for irrigation purposes. Tributaries to Penna like Kandaleru and Boggeru serve the remaining area.This area is rich in particular kind of flint called quartzite, out of which prehistoric man made his weapons and implements.
Geographical Profile Item Unit of Measure Figure Source Area 13076.00 Census 2001 Population In Thousands 2659.66 Male In Thousands 1341.19 " Female In Thousands 1318.46 " Urban In Thousands 603.63 " Rural In Thousands 2056.02 " Population Growth (decadal) % +11.18 " Population Density (Person/Sq.Km) Ratio 203.00 " Literacy % 65.90 " Male % 74.45 " Female % 57.24 " Urbanisation % 23.79 Census 1991 Workers as % of total population % 45.62 " Workers % of main Workers Agriculture & allied activities % 71.82 " Mining & Quarrying % 0.40 " Mfg.(Non-household) industries % 4.07 " Household industries % 2.97 " Construction % 1.91 " Services % 18.83 " Forest Area as % of reporting area % 18.77 1997-1998 Gross irrigated area as % of gross cropped area % 84.76 " Value of output of major crops Per capita food grain production Kg. 286.00 " Road length per 100 Km. 52.52 1996-1997 Railway route length per 100 Km. 1.70 " Post offices per 100,000 persons Ratio 32.44 " Bank branches per 100,000 persons Ratio 7.69 1994-1995 Per capita bank deposits Rs. 2074.69 " Per capita bank credit Rs. 169.84 " Per capita bank credit to agriculture Rs. 694.28 " Per ha. bank credit to agriculture Rs. 4600.00 " Per capita bank credit to SSIs Rs. 127.49 " Per capita bank credit to Industries Rs. 243.49 "

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